
2023 - 2023-优秀奖







作品曾多次于国际性设计比赛中屡获佳绩,合共超过80余项,当中包括台湾金点奖(年度提名奖),台湾国际平面设计奖(金奖,银奖,ico-D协会奖,评审奖),莫斯科金蜜蜂平面双年展,Tokyo TDC 东京字体指导俱乐部(年度提名奖),日本富山海报三年展(铜奖),英国D&AD创意设计奖(2项木铅笔),ONE SHOW国际创意奖,台北设计奖,中国海报双年展(铜奖),中国最美图书奖,香港国际海报三年展(铜奖),香港环球设计大奖(金奖,银奖),亚洲最具影响力奖(银奖,铜奖),澳门设计双年展(金奖,银奖),靳埭强全球华人设计大赛(未来设计大师奖,金奖,银奖,铜奖),深圳国际海报节(金奖,银奖),联合国教科文组织创意城市网络深圳创意设计新锐奖,平面设计在中国展GDC17(最佳奖,2项提名奖及评审奖),Award360°年度新人奖,Award360°年度书籍奖,德国iF设计奖(金奖),德国iF设计奖3项,德国红点奖5项,台北设计奖等。


《遇见景德镇》(Meet China)



在景德镇的地下,遍布着当年遗留下来的官窑和民窑瓷器碎片,这些碎片“生”于这片土地,又反哺这片土地,润养着千百年来一代又一代的景德镇人砥砺前行。《遇见景德镇》以这些碎瓷片,以小见大,引领读者重新认识“世界瓷都”景德镇;书中还呈现了当代9位当代陶瓷艺术家、陶瓷文化者的作品,这些碎瓷珍品与当代名器,跨越时代,巧妙地相聚在书中,共展过去的辉煌与未来的可能。 本书封面使用了烫透纸,简单的烫压工艺,让一块块瓷片图案宛如刚挖掘出土的碎瓷片那样栩栩如生。书中则大量使用透明硫酸纸,让碎瓷片和文字通过透明硫酸纸叠加,在视觉上呈现出地下挖掘出土的“文物”之形状,用来象征埋在土层里面的文物,需要一层一层挖掘出来之意。没有一个朝代或者瓷器或者工艺能代表景德镇,但是我们却可以从不同时期的碎瓷片里拼出一个完整的千年瓷都景德镇,局部即整体,巧妙无穷。


Underground in Jingdezhen, there are scattered broken shards of official and civilian porcelains left a long time ago. These shards were born in this land, and also feed back to this land, nurturing generations of Jingdezhen people to forge ahead for centuries. The book Meeting Jingdezhen uses these shards of china to guide readers to re-understand Jingdezhen, known as “the porcelain capital of the world”, and presents the works of nine contemporary ceramic artists and cultural workers. These broken porcelain treasures and contemporary famous artifacts have transcended the times and gathered in the book ingeniously, displaying the past glories and future possibilities. The book cover is made of hot stamping paper. The simple hot pressing process makes the patterns of porcelain shards as vivid as the broken porcelain pieces freshly excavated. Tracing paper is widely used in the book, so that the patterns of shards and words could overlap each other, visually presenting the shape of “cultural relics” unearthed from underground, which symbolizes that the cultural relics buried in the soil need to be excavated layer by layer. No single dynasty, porcelain or craft can represent Jingdezhen, but we can piece together a complete millennium porcelain capital Jingdezhen from broken porcelain shards of different periods, which is infinitely ingenious.


《遇见普洱》(Meet Puer)



普洱内在既有霸气又兼涵优雅,外表却非常质朴。书籍设计的创意源自于普洱茶砖的包装,自然界的竹壳轻轻一裹,就通过茶马古道传播全球。所以我们这次也是希望通过质朴的设计手法还原普洱茶该有的面貌,让读者在触摸到这本书的同时,能感受到普洱的魅力。书籍整体像一饼茶砖,封面上几片普洱老茶叶拼出“遇见普洱”的字体,轻松中流露出普洱的应有气质。我们希望通过这饼茶砖,可以把读者带进普洱茶的世界,一饼茶砖,让您品味普洱的从生长到采摘,从制作到陈化的生命历程。 整书装帧运用了五种特种纸,不同的纸张运用结合书本章节内容呈现,让书本的整体装帧更加整体,读者在翻阅时能体验到纸质书籍的最原始魅力,真正体验到阅读的乐趣。 书籍的整体概念是以日记的形式展开,围绕着作者以及采编团队10天在云南茶产区的见闻与访谈而进行编辑设计,书籍以作者的日记手稿开始,目的是让读者在阅读全书的时候有一个真实体验感。书籍尾部以花絮作为结束,目的是让读者跟着采编团队一起感受这10天云南茶产区的采编过程,首尾呼应。 我们希望给读者一个轻松愉悦的阅读体验感,阅读完书籍后就像观看完一部电影,一本日记,朴实无华却回味无穷。


Pu 'er is both domineering and elegant inside, but very simple outside. The design of the book originates from the packaging of Pu 'er tea bricks. The natural bamboo shell is gently wrapped and spread around the world through the ancient Tea Horse Road. Therefore, we also hope to restore the appearance of Pu 'er tea through simple design techniques, so that readers can feel the charm of Pu 'er tea when they touch this book. Books as a whole like a cake of tea bricks, the cover of a few pieces of Pu 'er old tea spell out the font "Meet Pu 'er", easily showing the due temperament of Pu 'er. We hope that through this cake tea brick, readers can be brought into the world of Pu 'er tea, a cake tea brick, let you taste the life course of Pu 'er tea from growing to picking, from making to aging. The whole book is bound with five kinds of special paper. Different papers are presented in combination with the contents of the book chapters, so that the overall binding of the book is more integrated. Readers can experience the most original charm of paper books and truly experience the pleasure of reading. The overall concept of the book is in the form of a diary, which is designed based on the author and the editing team's 10-day experience and interview in Yunnan tea producing areas. The book starts with the author's diary manuscript, which aims to give readers a real sense of experience when reading the book. The end of the book ends with a tidbits, which aims to let readers experience the 10-day editing process in Yunnan tea producing areas with the editing team. We hope to give readers a relaxed and pleasant reading experience. After reading a book, it is like watching a movie or a diary, which is plain but memorable.


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