
2023 - 2023-优秀奖







参与的项目多次获得国内外奖项,包括安德马丁奖、APIDA亚太区室内设计奖、晶麒麟奖、金堂奖、国际设计传媒奖等。 个人理念:追求空间的合理性,善于从建筑空间出发,对光渴望,利用空间建构来表达设计本质的探索与质感。将美学素养及设计意识结合,实现高品质的设计追求。


臻间(Zhen space)



“臻”,意为达到美好的境界;“臻间”,则意指突破时空束缚,自然追求真正纯粹的内在空间。以三个室内造景为中心展开空间布局,形成有节奏的空间序列,同时运用中国传统园林移步换景、透漏、转折的手法,使得空间呈现内敛超然,张弛有度、小中见大的效果,在室内环境中营造出室内外交融的空间。 臻间致力于搭建环境与人文的联系,借空间的力量缓解都市的压抑与不安,让人在繁忙的都市生活里返璞归真,渐入佳境。以建筑语言表现人们崇尚本真、回归生活本质的情感追求,于无形之中呈现出自然、恬静、含蓄的艺术状态。



"zhen",the Chinese character means to achieve a better state; "zhen space" means to break through the constraints of time and space, pursuing the real and pure inner space naturally. Three interior artworks put in the space center to start the space layout, forming a rhythmic sequence of the space. At the same time, the use of traditional Chinese garden design techniques like one step makes a difference scenery, light leakage and turning, making the space restrained and detached, well-balanced of tension and relaxation, details make a big difference effect to create a space connected interior and exterior. Zhen space is committed to build the connection between the environment and humanity, to ease the repression and unease of the city by the power of space, so that people can enjoy the space back to nature in the busy urban life, gradually into a better space. Using architectural language to express people's emotional pursuit of advocating authenticity and returning to the essence of life, it presents a natural, quiet and implicit artistic state in invisible form.


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