
2023 - 2023-优秀奖







一个对设计充满热情,对世界充满热爱,旅居于深圳和英国两地的工业设计师。 姜楠是英国E-care Tech设计公司的创立人和首席设计师,并担任英国Entrust Microgrid公司的设计总监。作为一名工业设计师,姜楠热衷于在人性化设计、可持续科技和包容性设计上进行创新。在就读瑞典隆德大学工业设计系期间,姜楠获得了Ingvar Kamprad 奖学金 (IKEA),其设计的新生儿黄疸光疗睡袋获得了瑞典STEN K科创基金奖和瑞典学联的Leapfrogs奖学金。在这款光疗睡袋设计的产业化进程中,姜楠层带领团队获得了2018年深圳市创新创业大赛国际赛先进制造行业二等奖,江苏省海外高层次人才创新创业大赛一等奖,济南高层次人才创新创业大赛欧洲赛区二等奖等。 姜楠通过工业设计在英国申请到4个英国国家创新署Innovate UK的项目,并均已全部完成。这些项目中姜楠与深圳英创特能源科技有限公司的密切合作,她通过模块化设计思路大大降低了充电桩的零件利用率,降低了生产成本,并简化了充电桩的安装和维修过程。其设计的充电桩已在英国进行安装和应用,并被BBC的节目报道。


A boundaryless innovator who has an endless passion for design and the world. Nan Jiang works in the center of product development in Shenzhen, in cooperation with UK companies. Nan Jiang has great enthusiasm for design and always focuses on design ergonomics, sustainability and inclusiveness. She graduated from Lund University (Sweden) and has double master’s degrees in industrial Design and Industrial Design Engineering. Her study in Sweden was supported by Ingvar Kamprad Scholarship (IKEA). Her research and design in newborn Jaundice Phototherapy medical care system won both the Sten K Innovation Grant and Leapfrogs Scholarship in 2016, Sweden. This design - a phototherapy sleeping bag for newborn jaundice babies has won several international start-up competitions, including the champion of UK OTEC 2017, the second-prize of the smart manufacture industry of Shenzhen international innovation and start-up competition 2018, the champion of Jiangsu international student start-up competition 2018, the second-prize of Hangzhou international innovation and start-up competition 2018 (European division) and the second-prize of Jinan international innovation and start-up competition 2018 (European division). Nan Jiang is the founder and director of E-care Tech Ltd (UK) and also works as the Chief Designer of Entrust Microgrid Ltd (UK). As an industrial design director, Nan has been in charge of Industrial Design in 4 programmes funded by Innovate UK ( the UK’s national innovation agency), and has successfully completed all of them: Project 10004342: The 2nd generation Smart EV Charging Hub with hybrid DC chargers (SEVHub). Innovate UK Funding £124,058. Project 105427: Smart EV Charging Hub with hybrid DC chargers (SEVHub). Innovate UK Funding £148,858. Project 74381: Entrust smart community EV charging hub for light electric vehicles in Uganda. Innovate UK Funding £24,800. Project 133831: Smart EV charging solutions for on-street applications. Innovate UK Funding £22,604. Nan has also been the chief designer in Innovate UK Project 90768 - Smart home EV charger based on Entrust Smart Home Microgrid, and Innovate UK Project 10024745 - Entrust Smart EV Charging System for Public Spaces. The hybrid DC charging post, designed by Nan Jiang, has been widely installed in Liverpool and South London in the UK and has been reported by the BBC on the show. ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lKEywnky-4 ).



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这款充电桩是深圳市英创特能源科技公司与英国Entrust Microgrid联合打造的、为英国和欧洲市场量身订造的一款通用型充电桩。设计以人性化设计为基础,充分了结合了通用设计原则,通过模块化设计,提高了零件利用率和维修的便捷度,达到了可持续发展的的设计目标。产品材料以金属为主,97%的产品材料都是可持续利用的材料。 • 此项目由英国政府基金InnovateUK支持,已经在英国利物浦进行安装和推广。在英国和欧洲,由于不同汽车品牌配有不同规格的充电口,用户常常为找不到适合自己汽车的充电桩而苦恼。经过充分的用户分析和技术探索,这款交直流混合充电桩最终设计配有CCS 2的交流/直流充电枪(根据储能状态智能选择交流充电或直流充电)和Type2交流充电插口,可以适用于英国和欧盟的所有电动车型。产品充分考虑了残疾人的使用(包括间接影响),解决残疾人充电难的问题,也解决了充电桩的安全隐患。 • 通过在结构上的创新和电路布局,充电桩的体积被大大减小了,即便是在狭窄的老街,它也不会给行人带来困扰。同时,一台充电桩可以同时给2辆车充电,进一步提升了街道的空间利用率。


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