益于前期的全球大力推介以及首届赛事的成功举办,第二届新锐奖吸引了来自 23 个城市的 3000 余名年轻设计师参加各城市提名机构组织的初评。秘书处最终收到了 96 个专业个人或团队,以及 26 个学生个人或团队提交的 200 多件作品。
由戈登·布鲁斯等世界一流设计师组成的专业国际评审团,于 2015 年11 月 20 日、21 日在深圳展开了为期两天的紧张工作,以专业的水平,丰富的评审经验,公平公正的态度,最终评出了所有获奖者。
来自奥地利格拉茨的 BREATH 团队,凭借其极具前瞻性的精妙环保设计作品,打动了所有评委,赢下 3 万美元的头奖。
Jarre 等来自加拿大蒙特利、法国圣艾蒂安、芬兰赫尔辛基、韩国首尔、中国香港及上海等城市的 10 个个人或团队,获得优秀奖,每个获奖单元奖金5000 美元。
Giulia Pignataro 等来自意大利都灵等城市的 5 个学生组的参评个人或团队,获得新星奖,每个获奖单元奖金 5000 美元。
为进一步扩大新锐奖的国际影响力,吸引全世界更多的年轻才俊参赛,将其打造成深圳的又一个文化品牌,新锐奖于 2016 年 6 月在巴黎联合国教科文总部举办第二届的颁奖典礼及优秀作品展
Benefiting from previous promotion and success of the first event, the 2nd SZ+DAY attracted over 3,000 young designers from 23 cities to participate in preliminary competition organized by the nominating organization in each city.
The secretariat finally received over 200 works submitted by 96 professional individuals and teams as well as 26 student individuals and teams. After approvals from UNESCO and discussions with other creative cities, the 2nd SZ+DAY invited Hong Kong young designers whose city haven' t joined the Creative Cities Network. Shenzhen and Hong Kong step forward toward the goal of building "Design Twin Cities."
A professional and international panel of judges composed of world-class designers, such as Gordon Bruce, spent two days in Shenzhen from Nov. 20 to 21, 2015, and they selected out all of the prize winners by adopting professional skills and with fairness and justice.
2015 Annual Theme Transformation -The Mission of Design Breath Team from Graz, Austria, won the favor of all judges and received the grand prize of US$30,000 for its prospective and delicate design of an environmental protection project.
Ten individuals and teams, including Jarre from Montréal in Canada, Saint-Etienne in France, Helsinki in Finland, Seoul in South Korea, Hong Kong and Shanghai in China won Merit Awards.
The amount of prize for each prize-winning section was US$5,000. Five student participants such as Giulia Pignataro from Turin, Italy, won New Star Awards. The amount of prize for each prize-winning section was US$5,000. In order to further expand international influence of SZ+DAY and attract more young talents to participate in the competition, and build another cultural brand in Shenzhen, SZ+DAY held the 2nd award ceremony and excellent works exhibition at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris in June, 2016.